Saturday, April 18, 2009

Free stop smoking

A craving only lasts about 5 minutes.

Snack on fruit or chewing gum to satisfy any sweet cravings. Replace smoking with other activities that occupy your hands and your mouth. When you quit smoking, you can breathe and get around more easily, and nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables taste better when you are not smoking. A craving only lasts about 5 minutes. If you need more guidance, talk to your doctor or dietitian. Remember H. If you are struggling or anxious about trying to quit smoking, talk to your doctor about nicotine replacement such as nicotine gum or a nicotine patch.

Get support and encouragement; talk to a friend when you get the urge to smoke; talk about something other than smoking. Becoming physically active will not only help you control your weight, but will also give you more energy, improve your health, take your mind off smoking, and help relieve the stress and moodiness that may occur as a result of withdrawal from nicotine. Water retention may cause a deceptive weight gain of up to 5 pounds in the week after quitting smoking, but this is not a real weight gain, and your body will go back to normal. Positive attitude As you focus on quitting smoking and healing your body, your exercise and eating goals will become easier. Eating a variety of foods each day is a good start, and eating regularly so you never get too hungry. Reduce tension by meditating, taking a walk or a bath, or taking deep breaths. L. To prevent extra snacking as a result of quitting smoking, do not try to quit smoking during a stressful period. Even if you do gain weight when you quit smoking, the health risks of smoking are far greater…you would have to gain over 150 pounds to make your health risks as high as when you smoked. Managing cravings Once you stop smoking, it is important to learn how to reduce your cravings for both cigarettes and food. – never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired

– never let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired.

Physical activity does not have to be planned exercise; it may include taking the stairs, mowing the lawn, or playing with children. Physical activity does not have to be planned exercise; it may include taking the stairs, mowing the lawn, or playing with children.

Find something that will replace smoking as a way to relax and do it consistently.

Article Source: Best way to stop smoking now


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